Seminary is a wonderful place to deepen your faith in Jesus Christ! We encourage you not only to enroll in a Seminary class, but to attend regularly (and please be on time). If possible, take a printed copy of your scriptures, and remove distractions by putting mobile devices in Airplane mode. Most importantly, we invite you to engage in Seminary so that it can be a spiritually edifying and enriching experience for you as you deepen your conversion to the Savior, Jesus Christ.
To Learn More
You can learn more about Seminary on the church website, including the requirements for graduation and receiving credit. On that page, you can watch a video of President Nelson extending a personal invitation to attend Seminary. As you watch, please listen for the incredible blessings Pres. Nelson highlights that can come as a result of enrolling, attending, and engaging in Seminary.
Registering for Seminary
Registration for seminary typically involves two steps:
Register online at (this step informs the seminary staff that you'll be attending seminary)
Register for Released Time at your junior high or high school (this step informs the school that you'll be attending seminary)
Please note:
There are also early morning seminary options
Youth who attend school at home are also able to register for seminary
Checking Attendance and Progress
Use to check your attendance and progress once you are enrolled in seminary. You can also find your teacher's contact information on this page.