Stake Goals & Priorities
Stake Goals and Priorities
Invite All to Come unto Christ and Partake of His Goodness (D&C 20:59; 2 Ne. 26:33)
We have sought the Lord's guidance regarding our goals and priorities. As we have done so, we have sought to align our goals and priorities with the following guidance that He has already provided to our inspired leaders:
God’s Work of Salvation and Exaltation (General Handbook (GH), Section 1.2)
The 2025 youth theme, Look Unto Christ (D&C 6:36)
The Utah Area Plan
The Stake Theme: Invite all to come unto Christ and partake of His goodness
With that in mind, we have felt impressed to focus on the following goals and priorities for 2025:
Live the Gospel of Jesus Christ
Care for Those in Need
Invite All to Receive the Gospel
Unite Families for Eternity
The following sections can be expanded to elaborate on each of those four areas. The intent of this page is to share what the stake presidency has felt impressed to focus on at this time. The Creating Goals & Plans page is designed to help wards and families understand how they can implement what is outlined on this page.
Live the Gospel of Jesus Christ
Encourage individuals and families to seek the Lord's help in building a plan to consistently study God's word with conversion as the goal, focusing on studying
the scriptures aligned with Come, Follow Me in the home
With children and youth as they prepare for their next ordinance and engage along God's Covenant Path
Implement the Children and Youth program, including the three areas of focus for children and youth:
Gospel learning
Service and activities
Personal development
Encourage wards to use Sunday School and Primary class time to support and encourage Come, Follow Me study efforts in the home
Encourage wards to facilitate revelatory experiences each quarter in
Care for Those in Need
Encourage individuals and families to seek the Lord's help in building a self-reliance plan (GH 22.1), focusing on the following areas:
Develop spiritual, physical, and emotional strength
Gain education and employment
Improve temporal preparedness, including planning for emergencies
Support those in need in our stake and elsewhere through the generous donation of fast offerings (GH 22.2.2) and other offerings
Invite all to Receive the Gospel
Finding: Encourage individuals and families to seek the Lord's help in building a plan to help gather Israel on this side of the veil; ideally the plan would include:
Love and Share: A goal for how often you seek to engage in Christ-centered conversations - in person, online, and elsewhere - with friends of other faiths or those of our faith not currently worshipping with us; and a plan for how to do so
Invite: A goal for how many invitations you seek to extend throughout the year to these friends; and a plan for how to do so
Based on the invitation of our Area Presidency, we encourage including a goal to extend at least one meaningful invitation to a friend to worship together on
Easter Sunday
The Sunday before Christmas
Ideas can be found in the Sharing the Gospel section of the Gospel Library
Encourage wards to seek the Lord's help in building a ward mission plan that would include:
Finding: A goal for how many referrals to the missionaries your ward members seek to make; these referrals may live anywhere in the world where we currently have missionaries
Fellowshipping: A percentage goal for how often you seek to have ward members at missionary lessons before and after someone's baptism
A plan to support ward members in building their plans
A plan to accomplish the ward's finding and fellowshipping goals
Plans to effectively utilize weekly coordination meetings to accomplish the above efforts
Unite Families for Eternity
Encourage individuals and families to seek the Lord's help in building a plan to help gather Israel on the other side of the veil; ideally the plan would include:
Family History: A goal for how many family names to prepare and take to the temple; and a plan for how to do so
Temple Worship: A goal for how often to worship in the temple; and a plan for how to do so, potentially including a plan to have your next temple appointment on an ongoing basis
Encourage wards to seek the Lord's help in building a temple and family history plan that would include:
Fellowshipping: A goal to help every new convert who is eligible for a temple recommend find family names to take with them to the temple within one month of being baptized
A goal to help new youth who are eligible for their first temple recommend find family names to take with them to the temple
A plan to support ward members in building their plans
A plan to accomplish the ward's goals
Plans to effectively utilize regular coordination meetings to accomplish the above efforts
As often as possible, we strive to align stake activities and meetings with these goals and priorities, and we encourage ward leaders to consider doing the same.