Stake Goals & Priorities

Stake Goals and Priorities

Invite All to Come unto Christ and Partake of His Goodness (D&C 20:59; 2 Ne. 26:33)

We have sought the Lord's guidance regarding our goals and priorities. As we have done so, we have sought to align our goals and priorities with the following guidance that He has already provided to our inspired leaders:

With that in mind, we have felt impressed to focus on the following goals and priorities for 2025:

The following sections can be expanded to elaborate on each of those four areas. The intent of this page is to share what the stake presidency has felt impressed to focus on at this time. The Creating Goals & Plans page is designed to help wards and families understand how they can implement what is outlined on this page.

Live the Gospel of Jesus Christ

Care for Those in Need

Invite all to Receive the Gospel

Unite Families for Eternity

As often as possible, we strive to align stake activities and meetings with these goals and priorities, and we encourage ward leaders to consider doing the same.